Instead of popping a pill, say a prayer and eat an apple! Part blog, Part database
Your one stop shop for mind-body-spirit research!

Part Blog. Part Database.

Featuring hundreds and hundreds of scientific study abstracts.

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Making Mind-Body-Spirit Stuff Legit.

With so many old wives’ tales and new theories floating around, I wanted to create a place where readers could fact-check mind-body-spirit issues and get a definitive answer to the question, “Says who?!”.

I also wanted to create an environment that would encourage interdisciplinary communication and inspire discovery of unique connections between seemingly distant fields of study.

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The Latest Scoop...

  • Gluten and Depression: The Jimi Hendrix Experience...

    Did anyone else wrap up that Justin Timberlake post and think: “That was awesome!! But how does all this new research – implicating the gut microbiome in the development of neural systems influencing the body’s response to stress – fit in with the current theory that the …

  • The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis (And Other Sexy Stuff)...

    Just when you thought science couldn’t get any sexier, the cool kids go and start talking about microscopic organisms living in your gut. (I know – it’s like, did someone just turn on Nelly, or is it getting hot in here??) First …

  • Ryan Gosling Prayers and Apples That’s the Power of Love...

    Today’s post is brought to you by Academy Award-nominated ’80s music (why??) and my latest rom com obsession: Crazy, Stupid, Love! Super random trivia: “That’s the Power of Love” was featured in Back to the Future and nominated for Best Original Song …

  • Positive Psychology Beyonce Image Positive Psychology: The Science of Beyonce...

    Ok, so there might be a few methodological errors with today’s research approach (for starters, everything I know about my case study I learned through Instagram…). But hey: I just spent five minutes investigating whether or not ‘methodological’ is even a real word (#journalism), so it’s not …

  • ADHD, Autism and the Gluten Connection...

    I do this all the time! I tell myself I need to take a blog break to work on other stuff like not being unemployed and homeless but then I research one topic… which makes me curious about another… which leads to one …

  • Home for Christmas, In Therapy by New Years...

    You’ve seen the t-shirts, now read the blog! BTW: This post is not sponsored – I just fell victim to a series of (surprisingly effective??) Instagram ads. On a related note, I’m also thinking about buying everybody I know Detox …

  • What Percent of Happiness Can You Control?...

    There isn’t a single person I’ve talked to about this research who hasn’t been completely surprised, so I’m super excited to share today’s info! *But first: Gold star to whoever bet I couldn’t go more than two sentences in a happiness post without using a Pharrell/Happy …

  • Depression Research Everybody Deserves to Know...

    Since the introduction of Prozac, disability rates due to mental illness have more than doubled. Antidepressant use has increased 400%, yet morbidity and mortality rates due to mental illness haven’t decreased. At all. For the past three years, I’ve tried to figure out why… And …

  • Addictive Properties of Highly Processed Foods...

    It’s the study we’ve all been waiting for: Scientific proof that those Pringles commercials weren’t lying! (By the way, did anyone else know that Brad Pitt was in a Pringles commercial?! How did I miss this?!) (It’s ok, take however …

  • How to Be Optimistic (Like a Boss)...

    While independent correlations between optimism and physical health have been observed (more on that in an upcoming post – definitely some cool stuff going on with our immune system!), researchers have identified one of the main mechanisms underlying the optimism/good stuff effect – …

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