Little book survey… February 12, 2017 by Would you be interested in a book version of Prayers and Apples? Yes No If so, how “science-y” should it be? make a selection…Same as the blogMore science-y (I love study details!)Less science-y (Just give me the highlights) Have you shopped at any of the following places in the last two months? Amazon Etsy Are you more likely to buy an e-book or a regular book? E-book Regular book What do you think is a fair price for an e-book? make a selection…$3 – $5$6 – $9$10 – $13$14 – $17 What do you think is a fair price for a little gift book? make a selection…$5 – $7$8 – $10$11 – $13$14 – $17 Please feel free to enter your email if you’d like an update once the book is published!