I’m just as surprised as anyone that today’s post is about Channing Tatum, but what can I say: I go where the story is ;)
So last night I was reading Vanity Fair doing some research (*sigh* ..this job just keeps getting tougher and tougher!) and I came across an interview with Tatum where he discusses his childhood and attention-deficit disorder diagnosis with author, Rich Cohen. As Cohen explains,
By high school, his blood was a cocktail of pharmaceuticals. “I truly believe some people need medication,” [Tatum] told me. “I did not. I did better at school when I was on it, but it made me a zombie. You become obsessive. Dexedrine. Adderrall. It’s like any other drug. It’s like coke, or crystal meth. The more you do, the less it works. For a time, it would work well. Then it worked less and my pain was more. I would go through wild bouts of depression, horrible comedowns. I understand why kids kill themselves. I absolutely do. You feel terrible. You feel soul-less. I’d never do it to my child.”
This quote made the blog for a couple reasons, the first being: I love how Tatum concedes that some people truly do need medication. However, the rest of his statement paints a really honest (and unfortunately common) picture of the medicated child.
Sounds like Mr. Tatum might be a fan of the Prayers and Apples approach :)
…Speaking of prayers: lots of love to Channing and his wife Jenna, who just welcomed their first daughter, Everly ♥
Cohen, R. (2013, July). In Tatum Territory. Vanity Fair. 635, 65-71, 125-127.
As an educator I definetly have seen first hand how much these “medications” impact children – more tes than not in negative ways. Especially in the lower income areas where you have children in charge of distributing their own meds. I believe the doctors need to demand more accountability on themselves so the masses can be referring to their expertise justifiably. Would love to hear more on this subject.
Children in charge of distributing their own meds = so sad :(
It’s always interesting to find out what other think about some of the medications and treatments out there for things like this. Even more so, it’s an actor. :) It really is a great quote and really true. My SIL teaches these types of young kids at school and so she knows that kind of impact the medications can have, both positive and negative.
Hope you are getting settled girl!
I know, I’m starting to notice more and more quotes in popular/tabloid-ish magazines – I think it’s great that everyone’s starting to have a more open conversation! (…And settling is still mid-process! lol)