Kourtney Kardashian says she cooks her steel cut oats with almond milk and manuka honey!
Inspired by Tosca Reno (author of the Eat Clean Diet) who says she eats a similar breakfast each morning!
Why on earth would I want to eat this?
- Steel cut oats are whole grain oats high in fiber, protein, vitamin B and calcium. Fiber helps lower cholesterol. Studies also suggest that avenanthramides – an antioxidant compound unique to oats – can help prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol, which may help prevent cardiovascular disease! Oats also help stabilize blood sugar.
- Flaxseeds contain more lignans that any other food in the world. Think of them as little cancer-fighting machines!
- Blueberries are another superfood. They have more antioxidants than almost any other fruit or vegetable!
- Bee pollen has a high concentration of vitamin B (which is good for energy!) and has also been linked to a wide variety of generalized health benefits.
What do I need to get started?
- 1/2 cup steel cut oats
- 2 cups water
- 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
- cinnamon
- 1 tbsp. bee pollen (start with 1tsp. if this is your first time eating bee pollen, then work your way up!)
Wait a second, where do I get this stuff?
- Steel cut oats, cinnamon and ground flaxseed: your regular grocery store
- Bee pollen: a health foods store (you want the real, little yellow stuff (like in the picture above) – not a pill or supplement)
How do I make it?
- Boil water
- Add oats; let them simmer for 30 minutes
- Put oats in bowl – add flaxseed, cinnamon, blueberries and bee pollen
- Mix it all up and you’re ready to go!
How long is all this gonna take?
About 40 minutes the first time you make it (only because you have to let the oats simmer for 30 minutes). You can make a big batch and just re-heat a portion each morning, so it should only take about 5-7 minutes after that!
Notes: 1/2 cup of oatmeal is way too much for me – I suggest making 1/4 cup oats (just use 1cup water) and adding a side of (2) scrambled egg whites with ketchup (make sure the only ingredient is tomatoes).
This is not a fun, exciting meal (just being honest!) – so add more blueberries if you need some extra taste. Also, don’t be expecting creamy oatmeal. I like the dry/crunchier texture, but if you don’t, add a splash of milk – no worries!
(So excited! Posted a link to this article on the original Prayers and Apples blog and Tosca Reno replied!):
@PrayersNApples #soproud! Good brekkie #sistersiniron
— Tosca Reno (@toscareno) August 27, 2012
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