Guest blogger, Alicia Lawrence, is a fellow Alaskan girl who loves writing, attended a Christian college and married a personal trainer. Sooo… basically she fits right in here at Prayers and Apples ;) Check out Alicia’s tips for making the most out …
Insulin Resistance and Weight Gain: The Dopamine Connection
Today’s post is a little technical plus I really felt like playing with my photo-editing apps! so I thought I’d try blogging à la cartoons :) Browse through the pictures below for a quick explanation of insulin resistance, and then we can get into …
Can Healthy Eating Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?
This is exactly the type of research I hoped to share when I started Prayers and Apples, so I’m extra excited about today’s post! The following information is reprinted from materials provided by the University of Montreal, a.k.a. Universite de Montreal (which is …
Eat Healthy on the Go: A Mother’s Survival Guide
Striving for balance in your life is never ending, especially when you’re a mom. You’re always on the go taking care of the kids, house, dinner and work. I was recently asked for tips on how moms juggle work, raising …
Adrenal Fatigue: How to Fight Back
‘Adrenal fatigue’ refers to a collection of symptoms including body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive problems. Viewed as a mild form of Addison’s disease (adrenal insufficiency), the term ‘adrenal fatigue’ is widely used in alternative medicine, but not …
Note to Self
So we were talking last week about how easy it is to lose sight of our health goals (and how helpful it would be to have a couple tattoos or landmarks to remind us!) and one reader joked that it’d …